Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Former Tidal Slough
This is just a semi-educated guess, but I think you are looking at an old tidal canal. As the glaciers have melted over the years the land has risen and the tidal areas have receded. Now it is more like a freshwater pond, albeit a long, skinny one. If you follow the road out towards Eagle Beach, you can find this to your left, not far from the side. Wear rubber boots and don't get too close or you'll be swimming.
About The Free Photographs
You’ll notice that most of the photographs on my blandly named site “Juneau Photographs” are not priced to make any profit and that you can download them at full resolution. I still retain full rights to them, but if you would like to use them personally or for school that’s fine, just send me a note about how you are using them. If you are printing a huge print for your wall in your nice house, please send me a few bucks via paypal ( ). If you are a non-profit I will likely give you a copy, but let me know first please.
If you would like a nice print or two of the work I think is the best, you can find that here. I use Bay Photo for prints and other items, or I can make a high quality print myself and sign it if you want.
So go back to the site and browse around--there is a lot to see. I hope that this website can grow over the years to become a bit of a local resource for folks, and a helpful guide for people interested in Juneau and Southeast Alaska.
Thanks for reading,
John Krumm
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
If You Are Sick of Snark...
Then you should read this article in The Washington Post written way back in the crazy days of 2008 by Linton Weeks. I was thinking about what we mean by the word "snark," and wondering if this blog was veering too much into the "snarkastic."
Things We Did On Easter
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The End of a Long, Fun Day
More tomorrow... time for some wine and a movie.
Morning Lily
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Hifalutin Word of The Day
Once the Shakespearean spelling but now a bad name for an unsuccessful necktie gag product, not really a real word. The "Serendipitie" product line includes Guacamole, Red Salsa, Green Salsa, Black Bean, and Onion, all with hand-painted tips meant to suggest that the tie has recently been "dipped" at a party. Think rubbery fake vomit and you are close.
The real word, with contemporary spelling, "Serendipity" is one of those concepts popular in the 1960's used to describe the moment when you find something (usually good) that you did not expect to find while looking for something else (you bend over at a party for the perfect chip, for instance, and like a divining rod your tie finds the perfect dip). "Lucky" or "Luck" are often good substitutes.
Serendipity is sometimes confused with the German word "Schadenfreude," but the first describes a momentary condition of one's good fortune that you can choose to take advantage of (aided by curiosity and dumb luck and perhaps good judgement) and the second describes the pleasure some feel at hearing about or observing the misfortune of others.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Loose Talk -- The Problem of "Of" and "The Peculiar Age"
The word "of" works as both a crutch (sort-of, kind-of, you can hear the limp) and as a clarifying glue. It is, misused, bad cholesterol in word form, clogging our information highways with excess bits. Take it out, and be free of "of," I dare you. Many words are suggested by their absence, and "of" could be one of those words if we let it. It already happened long ago, being shortened to O'. Go all the way. Age innocence, Joan Ark, Mice and Men, Kind, Sort, Course. If you say the words often enough, you will come to realize the of has become a ghost, ever present, but only visible in the mind's crazy eye.
In truth, like bad cholesteral, it serves a vital function, and the trick is to use of in limited amounts, not try to kill it. Take it from a word addict. Course you can.
Now, back to the age thing, using "of" as we wish... more ideas
The Age of Increasing Age
The Age of Guilt
The Age or Really Good Times
The Age of Socks (think about it, this one is good. At one time we didn't have socks and I'm sorry to inform you, but at one time socks will be gone).
The Age of Inventive Seasonings
The Age of Perfection
The Age of Pretty Good (Minnesota Joke)
The Age of War
The Age of Warm
The Age of Escapism
The Age of Complicity
The Age of Winning
The Age of The Future
The Age of Cool (wishful thinking)
The Age of Enormity
The Age of More
The Age of Most
The Age of Lots of Crap
The Age of Mold
The Age of Mould (trying to be inclusive here)
The Age of Mike (sooner or later some guy named Mike will be in charge, so why not?)
The Age of Young (ooh, house of mirrors)
So...reply if you are inspired with your own "age," but act your age.
Hifalutin Word of The Day
Which I think, looking at it, means "to fix," but could also mean to "re-purpose," or to both fix and change the function of what one has fixed. A little ambiguity here. Correct me if I'm wrong. Perhaps it could be shortened to just "functionalize." Or we could use just function, as in "That shop functioned my car." And did you notice that the word "hifalutin" looks like a drug brand?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
News To Make You Feel Bad (a little poetry too, New York Rhymes part 1)
The coming of the mold...
The balking of the old.
The stupid all buy gold.
The numbing of the fold.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
At The Beach Today for Low Tide
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Candid Frame -- My Favorite Photography Podcast
Below is a sample video ...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Gratuitous Glacier -- The Spring Melt
Juneau News: It's Spring in both the Town and The Valley
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The 37th Annual Alaska Folk Festival
Monday, April 11, 2011
Making Small Waves in Juneau
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Books to Buy and Read
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Sunday Grab Bag -- Don't Eat Farmed Fish
Loose Talk -- Early Philosophers
Word are like atoms, expressing different properties depending on what other words
join them and form a true compound, or are just hanging out nearby, sharing a few electrons,
maybe, or even just a cup of coffee and a biscuit. It's not helpful to take a metaphor and
relentlessly hammer it into shape, but the ends justify the method, at least sometimes,
and words are mostly harmless and immune to damage by hammer blows. Their
essence remains. Our metaphor is a metaphor, in other words. The hammer is real.
The first person to notice the malleability of language was likely a cave dweller, though
it's possible he had a hole in the ground with a few bushes for cover, or a hollowed out
log. One thing for sure--as he started thinking about it all, he found he couldn't stop,
and the buzzards were soon circling. Eventually Darwinian pressures fell upon the
generations, and a few thinkers emerged who could ponder the intricacies of language
while also keeping an eye on the baby and the food pile. Thus the first philosophers
came into being.
Friday, April 08, 2011
City Ravens (Five Birds)
When The Internet Shuts Down
When the internet shuts down it's like a big box of crazy has finally been closed, arms franticly struggling as the lid smashes upon the retreating mouse-cramped fingertips of millions. That's how it feels, at least, and then the world is calm, birds chirp, the breeze breezes, plants grow, paint dries, and writers search for that old word processor they shelved long ago with the little green screen and floppy discs, knowing that a window of possible concentration has opened and they best make use of it fast.
But sitting now in front of that word processor, perhaps a heavy early model, half typewriter, half computer, confronted with that green blinking cursor on the tiny green window, feeling like a World War II radar operator, the writer realizes that shrinking options is really just less, less everything, and even if she can write a few words, only a few, the ink in the internal printer has likely dried up, the floppy disks are all lost or bent beyond hope, so any words he creates will live briefly on the screen before the plug is pulled. Is it worth it? The question of the ages rings clear and loud in the writer's head.
Is it worth it?
The writer realizes that emphasis is flat with type, so he tries all capital letters:
This is considered shouting, the writer has heard, and it feels good, but the writer also realizes that it doesn't capture the intended subtleties. The Devil is in the details, a cliche, the writer also knows--everything is in the damn details, plenty of room.
The writer begins to wonder if some people still are able to post on Facebook. Facebook has always fascinated this writer, so out front and "in your face" with its intent, a "book" for "faces," the circle of friends, ever circling, sometimes growing, shrinking a little after that last outburst about the Tea Party, but the requests still coming, be my friend please, I won't complain, I'm mostly quiet anyway, I don't get caught up in loud public shout-downs, they promise, and then betrayal at the first mention of your mother-in-law's political preferences, when who cares really?
No, someone will turn the internet on again, you know that is true, there is still time, even if things are really messed up and the deep sea cables have been cut, there are failsafes, back-ups, action plans, and so much money spent; people will reverse comically back to their computer chairs, wires will grow and connect like frantic fingers at a windowsill, and people will talk.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Fresh Content
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
You Need To Watch This
Or for Ipad users...
Don't Laugh
No brain, no gain... (a little obvious)
He's such a brain (low hanging fruit, yes)
I met a real brain in the ass today (all kinds of possibilities here)
My chiropractor is helping with my chronic brain (could be true)
Welcome to the house of brain (marketing potential)
He had a brainful expression on his face (I've seen that before)
Foot brain, leg brain, tooth brain, back brain, the list goes on (you know it when you have it)
Lose the brained look, whiner (perhaps after a fight)
Now for the other side, I don't know....
I'd like some pain and eggs (belly pain?)
Don't be such a bird pain (huh?)
The country now suffered from a pain drain (who doesn't want that?)
Painiac (sounds strange)
I've got this incredible pain right behind my eyes (might work)
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Monday, April 04, 2011
Line One
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Loose Talk
When we talk we compress our language to save time and energy, using cliche, pop references and other tricks to “load” our words with extra meaning. This is a lazy way of writing as it puts all the work on the side of the reader to decipher intent, but it’s necessary in most cases. It’s analogous to photography, where images are compressed before sharing on the internet, stripped of less needed information while the important information (edges, color) is often emphasized by sharpening and increasing saturation. Cliche is also used to reference previous ideas and “harness” the power of those ideas already embedded in the viewer’s mind. Notice the loaded language.
It is important not to take this kind of talk too seriously. The post-modernist critics were able to ignore the consequences and barrel ahead with such thoughts without pause, but in this age of attention scarcity we have to get to the point.
Friday, April 01, 2011
But it’s only romantic doom made more real by the usual morning rush. I generally confront outbursts of nihilism by making a “to-do” list and then working my way down, thus creating a little bubble of productivity that carries me through the day. This is pretty much the same way bubbles work everywhere, even in the economy. Temporary sustenance.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Vacation Eve
Today is vacation eve, with a cold snap flushing our cheeks before we fly to Southern California for a ten day road trip. Mary is upstairs cleaning, I'm down here and I should be cleaning, but need to test out this handy new keyboard. It's not bad, and I like how hard I can slam the keys, almost typewriter-like. But I need to cut my fingernails.
That paragraph represents about the maximum length of concentrated thought I can deliver in today's rapid-fire information age. More Later.
We are doing last minute budgeting for the trip, realizing we don't have enough cash and have to dip into the evil credit cards. These things tend to sneak up on us like a hungry cat padding softly up to a couple of extra stupid, distracted birds. Still, I look forward to the trip, relaxing, driving around, arguing over the music, and eating from roadside taco stands.
I've had nostalgia for road trips after living in Juneau for eight years, forest and sea bound to seventy miles. Yet my anxiety over the thought of driving busy California roads is a little high. Relaxing road trip? Probably Montana in early fall or late spring before the forest fires start, interstates and bad food, one vista to another, stoping in small towns to hit the second hand stores and have lunch in poorly maintained parks. Maybe even more later.
Here's a photo having nothing to do with this post, but I took it recently...
and now it reminds me of one more problem. We asked my mother-in-law to look after our dogs, but she is becoming more and more forgetful, so we have to call every day to remind her...ack.